Fundraising Trek In Kenya coming up: Please donate to MEAK’s medical missions
Five days, 90 miles trek in Kenya to raise funds for medical missions. Dear Friends: As some of you know, on November 7th, I will be embarking on a 5 day trek in Northern Kenya, raising much needed funds for MEAK’s (Medical and Educational Aid to Kenya) medical missions. MEAK organizes and funds medical and […]
In Kenya, Nargis Kasmani improves the lives of babies born with HIV.
Babies born HIV positive get a second chance, virus free! Nargis Kasmani moves mountains: she saves and changes lives in Kenya. No challenge seems ever too big for her since she decided to make a difference in her community. Several years ago, traumatic events in her life led her to reexamine her life goals and […]

Kenyan Nurse Rita makes it happen: A well run clinic in Northern Kenya
Women of Substance: Nurse Rita and Mama Peters. Rita Lekisaat and Mama Peters are doing great work at the clinic in Latakwen, a small settlement in the Ndoto Mountains in Northern Kenya. They are working hard at the clinic attending to the medical needs of the nomadic tribes in the area and doing a fabulous […]
In Kenya, Tanuja Walli Mends Hearts One Child at a Time
New Series: African Unsung Heroines and Heros. One of the great privileges of going to Africa is the opportunity of meeting some extraordinary local people who work very hard to make a difference and improve the lives of many. They refuse to accept the status quo and try to effect change. They often work […]

News: Update on the medical front in Kenya.
Children awaiting heart surgery. Tanuja Walli, founder of the Paediatric Support Group in Mombassa, was sharing her frustration with me : Nine children from the Coast area of Kenya died in the last couple of months while they were awaiting a slot to get heart surgery in Nairobi. Why does that happen? First there […]

News: Walking safari in Kenya, November 2012
Fund raising walk to benefit MEAK and its medical missions in Kenya. I would like to invite you to join me on a walking safari in the Ndoto Mountains of northern Kenya led by the famous Helen Douglas-Dufresne and Pete Isley and their Samburu team. Camels accompany the group carrying gear and supplies. This is […]

Miracle workers in East Africa
The cure to an over-sized heart. There are some faces you never forget, that stop you in your tracks and remind you of the miracles in this life. The alert and happy face of Mbura Mwakia with his beaming smile is just one of those. Mbura is 14 years old but his body really looks […]

A six day trek in Kenya
Raising funds for MEAK’s medical missions: A camel walk led by Helen Douglas-Dufresne in the Ndoto mountains by Jane H. FurseHelen Douglas-Dufresne is covered with blood. In addition to preparing for our arrival, she has been giving rabies shots to her dogs, Conman, Sensamon and Ndoto, as well as some local dogs. Apparently one of […]
Adventure in Northern Kenya: Medical mission with MEAK
A year ago I went on this unforgettable medical mission with MEAK in the northern most remote part of Kenya near the Sudanese and Ethiopian borders. Check out Martin Nighy’s report on our time there. It is worth taking the time to read this. It captures beautifully the feeling of the place, the people, and […]
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