African Pavilions at the Venice Biennale 2017
Usually I like to go to see the Venice Biennale long after its late spring opening, any time from September to November. This year was different because several African artists whose work I own were going to be included either in the Biennale Pavilions or in side events. I wanted to meet up with […]

The Divine Comedy: 40 Contemporary artists from Africa exhibit their work at SCAD, in Savannah
Contemporary artists speak of Heaven, Purgatory and Hell! Sometimes things work out well. I was long overdue for a visit to a dear friend in Charleston and there was a large exhibition of Contemporary African art at the SCAD in Savannah. So I found myself touring the old quarters of Savannah and Charleston, places of […]

Bold Statements: Malian artist Abdoulaye Konaté
Fabric as paint. With all the war news coming from Mali I thought it was timely to remember that Mali had a very active cultural scene. Last time I went which was for the Bamako Photography Biennale in 2011 I visitsd the studio of Abdoulaye Konate, a well- established artist in Mali whose works have […]
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