Ibrahim El-Salahi

Contemporary African Art comes to New York
Published by isabelwilcox on June 2, 2015 | 4 Responses
I am finally drawing a breath after a hectic period of art fairs and art shows in New York. Art fairs seem to be a necessary evil though I confess it does bring out the worst in me. I am tempted to go through them, as I would leaf through an art book, quickly glancing […]
Posted in Art | Tagged 1:54, Aboudia, Amoda Olu, Arlene Shechet, Axis Gallery, Barend De Wet, Bobson Sukhdeo Mohanlall, Brie Ruais, Fabrice Monteiro, Frieze, Gary van Wyk, Ibrahim El-Salahi, Los carpinteros, Mariane Ibrahim, nada, Nichole van Beek, Nick Cave, Owusu Ankomah, Rim Battal, Ruby Onyinyechi Amanze, Soly Cisse
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