Malick Sidibe. A documentary

African Photography at the Metropolitan Museum
This summer I had the good fortune to be asked to write an essay on the photographic work of Nigerian photographer George Osodi .As a result I found myself esconced in the Metropolitan Museum Watson Library doing research and struggling over each word of each sentence! This was not to be a blog post but […]

Bold Statements: Malian artist Abdoulaye Konaté
Fabric as paint. With all the war news coming from Mali I thought it was timely to remember that Mali had a very active cultural scene. Last time I went which was for the Bamako Photography Biennale in 2011 I visitsd the studio of Abdoulaye Konate, a well- established artist in Mali whose works have […]

Tuareg nationalism and racial politics
I found very interesting this discussion around the role of race in the Tuaregs’ motivations for forming a separate state. It certainly highlighted the many potential causes for the conflict in Northern Mali. Read on! Racial politics of Tuareg nationalism
Tinariwen: A perspective on Northern Mali turmoil
Tinariwen are a band of Touareg-Berber musicians from the Sahara desert region of Northern Mali. They have performed internationally and their fifth album Tassili won the Award for Best World Music Album in 2011. It was recorded in the rocky desert as you can see in the video. Tinariwen share their perspective on the events in Northern […]

Excursion in Dogon Country
Going back in time. Arriving late at night after a late flight from Paris I settled with my traveling companions from the Museum for African Art in the Salam hotel, which lay on the West Bank of the Niger River in Mali’s capital, Bamako. Jerry Vogel, our knowledgeable American guide and Senior Adviser for the […]
Flash: News from Mali
Bad news coming out of Mali. Two sets of kidnappings happened last week one in Timbuktu and the other south of the Niger River in Hombori. This makes me realize how lucky we were three weeks ago during our visit to Mali. I don’t mind discomfort and a bit of an edge but killing and […]
“Desdemona” with songs from Mali
A poetic conversation by Clara Cassan In October 2011, as part of the White Light Festival, Peter Sellars’ Desdemona showed at The Rose Theater at Lincoln Center. The show, written by the acclaimed author Toni Morrison, tells the story of Othello’s characters—particularly Desdemona and her African maid Barbary—reuniting after death. I was intrigued by the […]
News Update: African photography Bamako and Paris
African photography: a few important events are coming up. On November 1, 2011 African photography will hold center stage in Bamako, Mali with the opening of “Rencontres de Bamako” featuring African contemporary photographers. This year, the theme of this Biennale’s 9th edition is the quest for a sustainable world. The Rencontres /Encounters are a joint […]
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